True safety starts with being able to see where you are driving. Your lights and wipers play a major role in safe driving and the chance of an accident increases if you can't see or be seen. No matter what time of year, it's important to make sure your vehicle's lights and wipers are working properly so your visibility is not compromised and you can be seen by others. From the driver's seat, you may not notice a light that isn't working, but when a big rain comes it becomes easier to see what you are missing! When wet weather hits your roads is not the time for you to discover limited visibility problems. Here at Clyde's Car & Light Truck Repair we take our Salisbury drivers' safety seriously and inspect their vehicles when they come in for service.
Travelling can be difficult, and traveling can be fun. The difference usually comes down to how much preparation you do in advance, and how many unplanned obstacles you meet along the way. A great way to avoid setbacks, mishaps, and stressful situations is to make sure your car, truck, or SUV is ready to hit the road. Here are some important points to check before travelling, from Clyde's Car & Light Truck Repair in Salisbury, MD.
You’ve known someone at some point that has a seemingly impossible amount of keys, keychains, and other accessories hanging from their key ring. You might even be guilty of that yourself. At [BUSINESS_ NAME] in Salisbury, MD, we’ve seen our fair share of these loaded down car keys, and also the damage it can cause. Here’s what you need to know.
Eventually, the time comes to replace your car, truck, or SUV. Often, you’ll decide to go used to save some money. This can either be a great financial decision, but it takes a little more groundwork to make sure you’re getting a good deal and a reliable vehicle. From researching, to test driving, to inspecting a used vehicle, Clyde's Car & Light Truck Repair in Salisbury, MD has a few tips to help you get there.
When it comes to driving with your family on board, the only thing that matters is safety. Generally, this comes down to basic safety practices, making sure you are aware of them, and practicing them every time. When it comes to vehicle safety, small steps go a long way. Here are some things to keep in mind, from Clyde's Car & Light Truck Repair in Salisbury, MD.
Antifreeze is a fluid that’s just as important as oil to the engine in your car, truck, or SUV. You probably already know it’s essential to keeping your engine cool - but it’s important for more than one reason, and does require maintenance besides keeping it full. From Clyde's Car & Light Truck Repair in Salisbury, MD, here’s what you need to know about antifreeze.
Foggy headlights are a problem that has arisen in the past couple of decades, as we have moved away from glass sealed beam bulbs and into an era of plastic lenses with bulbs inside. While modern headlights are superior to the sealed beam headlights of years ago, they do tend to fog up after years of use. It’s a good trade for far better illumination and easier replacement, but an issue nonetheless. Hours and hours of heat, sunlight, and age eventually cause them to cloud up, which can reduce visibility at night in addition to worsening the appearance of your car, truck, or SUV. From Clyde's Car & Light Truck Repair in Salisbury, MD, here are some tips on taking care of your foggy or cloudy headlight issue.
While keeping your car, truck, or SUV looking nice is important, there are other reasons to keep the exterior of your vehicle in good shape. From Clyde's Car & Light Truck Repair in Salisbury, MD, here are some tips for keeping your car looking good, and how that keeps it reliably on the road.
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Salisbury, MD 21801
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